

Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health | 2016
Master's in Public Health
Concentration: Biostatistics

Johns Hopkins University | 2011
Bachelor of Arts in Public Health Studies

Selected Research Experience

Doctoral Fellow | 2020-Present
Project: Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

  • Co-lead of workstream on Sexual and Reproductive Health.
  • Lead, design and conduct a mixed-methods study to understanding how to meaningfully engage with youths in research, practice and programs.

Project: HIV-InDI (Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health)

  • Conduct factor analysis to validate a newly developed measure of intersectional discrimination.
  • Identify key HIV-related measures for survey development to assess whether intersectional discrimination impacts HIV-related outcomes.

Project: Assessing the durability of a cash transfer on physical partner violence among adolescent girls and young women in Rural South Africa (Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health)

  • Use IPW to handle study attrition in order to examine durability of intervention on partner violence.

Project: Testing strategies to communicate evidence about toxic stress to improve the lives of children and families without creating stigma (Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health)

  • Use multilevel modeling to examine whether inclusion of state-tailored economic cost of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in dissemination materials increases legislators’ engagement with dissemination materials.

Data Analyst | 2020-2021
Project: JustHouHS (American University)

  • Led data analyses to understand how mass incarceration, housing instability and housing policies impact sexual risk.
  • Translated research findings on how COVID-19 impacts housing and social networks into a report for community members.

Project Coordinator | 2016-2020
Project: MAMAS (Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health)

  • Coordinated implementation activities for an intervention study aim to increase postpartum school re-enrolment among South African adolescent mothers.
  • Designed data collection tools and surveys in order to examine program's impact, feasibility and accessibility.
  • Led data analyses and co-authored several journal articles.
  • Translated findings and developed presentations for community stakeholders and local researchers to inform existing national programs and future research.

Research Assistant | 2015-2016
Projects: SALURBAL and Home Preservation Initiative (Drexel University Urban Health Collaborative)

  • Developed a database of city-level measures within Latin American countries from a varied of sources for a $12 million grant proposal, which aimed to examine environmental and health effects in Latin American cities.
  • Coordinated a community-based participatory research project to examine the influence of housing repairs in West Philadelphia on health outcomes in order to inform evidence-based housing policies to support systematically excluded communities.